Take flight or get rooted – new student videos A Day in the Air, by JP ParnasTiny Things, By Brenna GetzinStudents in recent filmmaking courses...

Take flight or get rooted – new student videos A Day in the Air, by JP ParnasTiny Things, By Brenna GetzinStudents in recent filmmaking courses...
Learn to shoot great moving imagery and record high-quality audio to create engaging stories. This course will cover the aesthetic and technical skills needed to construct scenes visually and aurally – whatever genre of filmmaking you are interested in. The language and techniques of camera and sound work will be presented, exercised, and evaluated in terms of their aesthetic quality, editabilty and impact on story.
Learn the principles and techniques of video editing – the backbone of filmmaking. Whatever your interest or desired role in filmmaking, understanding editing is fundamental to your success. The editor is a detail-oriented storyteller, craftsperson, organizer, and technician. We often rediscover and sometimes reinvent our stories in the edit.
Documentary Bootcamp is a seven-week, immersive learning experience covering the fundamentals of documentary filmmaking from pre- to post-production.
Discover your identity as a documentary storyteller and focus on the stories that matter most to you and that you can best tell. Learn how to successfully structure compelling narratives with a scene-based, character-driven approach.
Find out what it takes to conserve the sculptures, create the courtyard horticultural displays and educate the public, young and old, at the Gardner Museum.
2013, 3 videos
A non-profit organization started by Michael Sheridan in 2009 to amplify local voices in under- and mis-represented communities to effectively communicate their lived realities through documentary filmmaking. Community Supported Film has worked in Afghanistan, Haiti and with immigrants and refugees in the United States.
2009-Current, 30 videos
Learn the fundamentals of documentary storytelling, shooting techniques, visual aesthetics, sound, interviewing and editing with Adobe Premiere Pro.
Need some one-on-one project guidance? Are you struggling with story structure? Want to get suggestions for how to improve you camera, sound or editing skills?
Email or call 617-834-7206 to arrange sessions on your own schedule at $65/hour.
Filmmaking Fundamentals - 10 week course 3/1/22 Learn the fundamentals of documentary storytelling, shooting techniques, visual aesthetics, sound,...